This research cluster focuses on developing, refining, and advancing robotic technologies and their applications. This involves exploring areas such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer vision, control systems, and human-robot interaction to create robots with enhanced perception, autonomy, and adaptability. Researchers collaborate on designing novel robotic platforms, refining algorithms for tasks like motion planning and decision-making, and applying robotics to domains like healthcare, agriculture, manufacturing, exploration, and more, all with the goal of pushing the boundaries of technological innovation and practical implementation.
Robert Bosch Centre for Cyber Physical Systems
Electrical Communication Engineering
RBCCPS and Computer Science and Automation
Aerospace Engineering
Robert Bosch Centre for Cyber Physical Systems
Aerospace Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Department of Electronic System Engineering
Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing
CP 214: Foundations of Robotics
CP 220: Mathematical Techniques
CP 230: Autonomous Navigation and Planning
CP 232: Swarm Robotic System
CP 241: Applied Linear and Non-Linear Control
CP 242: Human Robot Interactions
CP 260: Robotic Perception
CP 275: Formal Analysis and Control of Autonomous Systems
CP 280: Experimental Techniques for Robotics and Automation
CP 315: Robot Learning and Control
E1 242: Non-Linear systems and Control
E1 277: Reinforcement Learning
PD 232: Human Computer Interactions
The program is relevant to numerous emerging fields, including self-driving cars and drones, robotic planetary exploration, aerial surveillance systems, and the design and coordination of urban transportation networks and air traffic control systems.