Journal Articles
V. John and V. Katewa.
Opacity vs. Security in Linear Dynamical Systems. IEEE Transctions on Automatic Control, 2024 (Early Access). [PDF]
Shashank S, G. Gurrala. P.S. Sastry and V. Katewa. Cyber-Physical Modeling and Vulnerability Assessment of Substations for Transmission System Operator. Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 235, 2024. [PDF]
R. Anguluri, V. Katewa, S. Roy and F. Pasqualetti.
Network Theoretic Analysis of Maximum a-Posteriori Detectors for Optimal Input Detection. Automatica, Vol. 141, 2022. [PDF]
V. Katewa, R. Anguluri and F. Pasqualetti.
On a Security vs Privacy Trade-off in Interconnected Dynamical Systems. Automatica, Vol. 125, 2021. [PDF]
V. Katewa and F. Pasqualetti.
Minimum-gain Pole Placement with Sparse Static Feedback. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 66(8):3445-3459, 2021. [PDF]
V. Katewa and F. Pasqualetti. On the Real Stability Radius of Sparse Systems. Automatica, Vol. 113, 2020. [PDF]
A. A. Al Makdah, V. Katewa and F. Pasqualetti.
A Fundamental Performance Limitation for Adversarial Classification. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 4(1):169-174, 2020. [PDF]
V. Katewa, A. Chakrabortty and V. Gupta.
Differential Privacy for Network Identification. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 7(1):266-277, 2020. [PDF]
R. Anguluri, V. Katewa and F. Pasqualetti.
Centralized versus Decentralized Detection of Attacks in Stochastic Interconnected Systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 65(9):3903 - 3910, 2020. [PDF]
G. Baggio, V. Katewa and F. Pasqualetti.
Data-driven Learning of Minimum-Energy Controls for Linear Systems. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 3(3):589-594, 2019. (IEEE Control Systems Letters Outstanding Paper Award) [PDF]
V. Katewa, F. Pasqualetti and V. Gupta.
On Privacy vs. Cooperation in Multi-agent Systems. International Journal of Control, 91(7): 1693-1707, 2018. [PDF]
CZ Bai, V. Katewa, V. Gupta and Y.F. Huang.
A Stochastic Sensor Selection Scheme for Sequential Hypothesis Testing with Multiple Sensors. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 63(14):3687-3699, 2015. [PDF]
V. Katewa and V. Gupta.
On a Rate Control Protocol for Networked Estimation. Automatica, 49(5):1310-1317, 2013. [PDF]
Conference Papers
N. R. Rahul and V. Katewa. Exploiting Adjacent Similarity in Multi-Armed Bandit Tasks via Transfer of Reward Samples. American Control Conference (ACC), Colorado, USA, 2025 (Under review).
R. K. Chakraborty, V. Katewa and C. Murthy. Finite-Horizon Discrete-Time LQR with Sparse Inputs. American Control Conference (ACC), Colorado, USA, 2025 (Under review).
A. Rai and V. Katewa. Data-Driven Minimum-Gain Pole Placement. American Control Conference (ACC), Colorado, USA, 2025 (Under review).
L. Pai Angle, Prashanth S, Shashank S, V. Bishnoi, M. Kumar, G. Gurrala and V. Katewa. Substation Vulnerability Assessment Using
Bayesian Network. IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, Asia Conference (ISGT Asia), Bangalore, India, 2024.
A. Rai and V. Katewa. Approximate Stability Radius Analysis and Design in Linear Systems . European Control Conference (ECC), Stockholm, Sweden, 2024. [PDF]
N. R. Rahul and V. Katewa. Transfer in Sequential Multi-armed Bandits via Reward Samples. European Control Conference (ECC), Stockholm, Sweden, 2024. [PDF]
V. M. John and V. Katewa. Minimum-norm Sparse Perturbations for Opacity in Linear Systems. Indian Control Conference (ICC), Visakhapatnam, India, 2023. [PDF]
P. Thontepu, B. G. Goswami, M. Tayal, N. Singh, Shyam Sundar PI, Shyam Sundar MG, S. Sundaram, V. Katewa and S. Kolathaya. Collision Cone Control Barrier Functions for Kinematic Obstacle Avoidance in UGVs. Indian Control Conference (ICC), Visakhapatnam, India, 2023. [PDF]
V. M. John and V. Katewa. Opacity and its Trade-offs with Security in Linear Systems. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Cancun, Mexico, 2022. [PDF]
A. A. Al Makdah, V. Krishnan, V. Katewa and F. Pasqualetti. Behavioral Feedback for Optimal LQG Control. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Cancun, Mexico, 2022. [PDF]
A. A. Al Makdah, V. Katewa and F. Pasqualetti. Robust Adversarial Classification via Abstaining. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Austin, USA, pp. 763-768, 2021. [PDF]
V. Katewa and F. Pasqualetti. Optimal Dynamic Load-Altering Attacks Against Power Systems. American Control Conference (ACC), New Orleans, USA, pp. 4568-4573, 2021. [PDF]
A. A. Al Makdah, V. Katewa and F. Pasqualetti. Accuracy Prevents Robustness in Perception-based Control. American Control Conference (ACC), Denver, USA, pp. 3940-3946, 2020. (O. Hugo Schuck Best Paper Award) [PDF]
R. Anguluri, A. A. Al Makdah, V. Katewa and F. Pasqualetti. On the Robustness of Data-Driven Controllers for Linear Systems. PMLR: Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Learning for Dynamics and Control (L4DC), Berkeley (Virtual), USA, 120:404-412, 2020. [PDF]
R. Anguluri, V. Katewa and F. Pasqualetti. A Probabilistic Approach to Design Switching Attacks against Interconnected Systems. American Control Conference (ACC), Philadelphia, USA, pp. 4430-4435, 2019. [PDF]
G. Baggio, V. Katewa, F. Pasqualetti, and S. Zampieri. The Shannon Capacity of Linear Dynamical Networks. European Control Conference (ECC), Naples, Italy, pp. 602-607, 2019. [PDF]
R. Anguluri, V. Katewa and F. Pasqualetti. Attack Detection in Stochastic Interconnected Systems: Centralized vs Decentralized Detectors. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Miami, USA, pp. 4541-4546, 2018. [PDF]
R. Anguluri, V. Katewa and F. Pasqualetti. On the Role of Information Sharing in the Security of Interconnected Systems. Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA), Hawaii, USA, pp. 1168-1173, 2018. [PDF]
T. Menara, V. Katewa, D. S. Bassett and F. Pasqualetti. The Structured Controllability Radius of Symmetric (Brain) Networks. American Control Conference (ACC), Milwaukee, USA, pp. 2802-2807, 2018. [PDF]
V. Katewa, R. Anguluri, A. Ganlath and F. Pasqualetti. Secure Reference-tracking with Resource Constrained UAVs. IEEE International Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), Hawaii, USA, pp. 1319-1325, 2017. [PDF]
V. Katewa, A. Chakrabortty and V. Gupta. Protecting Privacy of Topology in Consensus Networks. American Control Conference (ACC), Chicago, USA, pp. 2476-2481, 2015. [PDF]
V. Katewa and V. Gupta. On the Optimality of Sequential Test with Multiple Sensors. American Control Conference (ACC), Montreal, Canada, pp. 282–287, 2012. [PDF]
V. Katewa and V. Gupta. On a Rate Control Protocol for Networked Estimation. American Control Conference (ACC), San Francisco, USA, pp. 3429-3434, 2011. [PDF]
J. McDonagh, A.O’Halloran, V. Katewa, M. Sala and E. Popovici. Efficient Construction and Implementation of Short LDPC Codes for Wireless Sensor Networks. European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, Seville, Spain, pp. 703-706, 2007. [PDF]
Book Chapters
V.Katewa, C-Z.Bai, F.Pasqualetti and V.Gupta. Detection of Attacks in Cyber-Physical Systems:Theory and Applications. Safety, Security, and Privacy for Cyber-Physical Systems (Editors: R. M. G. Ferrari and A. Teixeira), Springer International, 2021. [Link]
V. Katewa, F. Pasqualetti and V. Gupta. On the Role of Cooperation in Private Multi-agent Systems. Privacy in Dynamical Systems (Editor: F. Farokhi), Springer, Singapore, 2020. [Link]
PhD Thesis
V. Katewa. Analysis and Design of Multi-Agent Systems under Communication and Privacy Constraints. Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, December, 2016. [PDF]